Autotours Pays baltes

Autotour Pays Baltes 7j/6n

a partir de:
  • 6 nuits d’hôtels
  • Location de voiture Kaunas - Tallinn carte routière a disposition

Autotours Pays baltes

Autotour Pays Baltes et Helsinki-Stockholm 10j/9n

a partir de:
  • 7 nuits d’hôtels
  • 2 nuits à bord du ferry avec repas
  • Location de voiture Tallinn - Vilnius
  • Ferry Helsinki - Stockholm
  • Ferry Stockholm - Tallinn

Autotours Pays baltes

Autotour Pays Baltes 8j/7n

a partir de:
  • 7 nuits d’hôtels
  • Location de voiture Vilnius - Tallinn carte routière a disposition

Autotours Pays baltes

Autotour Pays Baltes 9j/8n

a partir de:
  • 8 nuits d’hôtels
  • Location de voiture Vilnius - Tallinn carte routière a disposition
  • GPS
  • Parking

Autotours Pays baltes

Autotour Pays Baltes 10j/9n

a partir de:
  • 9 nuits d’hôtels
  • Location de voiture Vilnius - Tallinn carte routière a disposition
  • GPS
  • Parking

Autotours Pays baltes

Autotour Pays Baltes 13j/12n

a partir de:
  • 12 nuits d’hôtels
  • Location de voiture Vilnius - Tallinn carte routière a disposition
  • GPS
  • Parking

Autotours Pays baltes

Autotour Pays Baltes 15j/14n

a partir de:
  • 14 nuits d’hôtels
  • Location de voiture Vilnius - Tallinn carte routière a disposition

Autotours Pays baltes

Estonie: culture & nature. Autotour 9 jours

a partir de:
  • 8 nuits d’hôtels
  • Location de voiture

Autotours Pays baltes

Lettonie: culture & nature. Autotour 9 jours

a partir de:
  • 8 nuits d’hôtels
  • Location de voiture

Autotours Pays baltes

Lituanie: culture & nature. Autotour 13 jours

a partir de:
  • 12 nuits d’hôtels
  • Location de voiture

Si vous recherchez le spécialiste de autotours dans les Pays Baltes, vous êtes arrivé sur la bonne page!

Sur notre site nous vous proposons la gamme la plus large et la plus complète d’itinéraires que nous avons réalisé spécialement pour répondre à vos besoins pour une découverte des Pays baltes selon une formule « hôtels + voiture » avec toute une panoplie de circuits réalisables pour un programme « coup de cœur » sur un weekend ou « évasion » pour une expédition d’une ou deux semaines. N’hésitez pas à nous consulter, choisissez une de nos offres, nous serons heureux de l’adapter à vos attentes et de contribuer ainsi à la réussite de vos futures vacances. .


Suis-je apte à conduire et me débrouiller seul pour un autotour dans Pays baltes?

IIl est normal de se poser la question, aussi avec nos conseils et notre sélection d’itinéraires prévoyant vos nuits et visites, vous pourrez aisément parcourir les trois pays dont les distances séparant les capitales ne sont que de 300 km. L’état des routes des 3 pays est très satisfaisant, vous êtes ici en Europe et la sécurité sur les routes où la vitesse est limitée tout comme en France, est aussi très bonne. Sachez tout de même qu’il y a de très nombreux radars et que la police est très sévère pour l’alcool au volant…

Les systèmes de GPS et les téléphones cellulaires fonctionnent très bien dans chaque pays (si vous avez l’option Europe) et les baltes seront toujours très heureux de vous aider en cas de besoin.

Tout nos clients ont gardé un souvenir merveilleux de leur première découverte de nos pays et souvent reviennent pour approfondir leur visite dans un pays plus particulièrement ou bien associer sur un nouveau circuit un autre pays limitrophe tel que arrivée à Helsinki en Finlande, prendre le ferry pour Tallinn où une voiture leur est réservée puis continuation jusqu'à Vilnius. Vous avez aussi la possibilité d’effectuer un itinéraire plus original en ajoutant Gdansk en Pologne, l’enclave Russe de Kaliningrad pour rejoindre la Lituanie, ou bien la Bélarus avec pour base de départ la Lituanie, mais pour ces deux pays Russie et Bélarus un visa sera nécessaire, pour ce type de circuit il est bon d’avoir une escorte russophone que nous pourrons vous réserver également. Tout est possible, aussi contactez-nous, est le plus grand spécialiste dans ce genre d’organisation, nos circuits sont testés et toutes les adaptations possibles pour bien répondre à vos attentes seront mises au point avec vous, notre grande expérience de ces pays vous permettra d’apprécier un voyage sur mesure hors du commun avec un maximum de chances de succès.


Circuits autotour découverte des Pays baltes au meilleur prix

Spécialiste dans la création de circuits sur mesure, nous pouvons vous proposer votre circuit personnalisé dans un cadre de prix qui correspondra à votre budget en rapport aux catégories d’hôtels et voiture que vous souhaitez. Les packs proposés seront toujours plus avantageux que si vous devriez improviser sur place et surtout sans mauvaises surprises, des prix nets et clairs, nos marges sont faibles et notre objectif : que vous soyez ravis de votre choix et enchanté au retour de votre voyage. Tous nos conseils vous aideront avant votre départ à mieux prévoir et gérer vos autres dépenses après sur place.


De nombreuses formules de circuits en autotour sur mesure

La liste des itinéraires que nous avons sélectionnés sont parmi les plus populaires et les mieux adaptés pour une première visite. Ceux-ci vous donneront une idée du potentiel de découvertes possibles, ils peuvent être utilisés comme matrice pour l’élaboration d’un parcours et d’une formule de voyage beaucoup plus personnalisée.


Consultez votre spécialiste local pour vos vacances en autotour dans les pays baltes

Nous pensons à tout pour vous, choisissez nos services, vous aurez toute liberté ainsi après sur place pour pouvoir apprécier vos vacances en famille en toute sérénité et sans le souci de devoir improviser chaque jour.

N’hésitez pas à remplir notre formulaire, choisissez votre circuit, le nombre de jours, vos souhaits en formules d’hébergements, type de véhicule, etc. et envoyez nous. Nous vous promettons une réponse rapide.


choisissez ici

Autotour Pays Baltes 7 jours / Autotour Pays Baltes 8 jours / Autotour Pays Baltes 9 jours / Autotour Pays Baltes 10 jours / Autotour Pays Baltes 13 jours / Autotour Pays Baltes 15 jours



Commentaires des clients:


2016. 09. 14.
Nous étions très contents du séjour; les hôtels sont de très bonne qualité et extrêmement bien situés. Nous n'avons pas rencontré de difficulté particulière pendant le séjour, les trajets en ferry ou voiture se sont bien passés. Les nombres de nuits étaient bien dimensionnés, nous avions plus de souplesse à Tallinn donc nous avons pu visiter la campagne ou les environs, notamment la tour de télévision qui est une visite intéressante pour donner une vue de haut mais aussi d'un point de vue historique. Pour le reste nous avons visité ce que vous recommandiez, sans faire forcément tous les musées car le temps nous manquait pour tout et nous nous sommes davantage consacrés aux promenades urbaines. Nous avons apprécié que le musée de l'occupation lettone soit traduit en français: cela nous a facilité la visite! En vous remerciant donc pour votre séjour


2016. 06. 30.
Bonjour, De retour à Paris, après ce magnifique voyage de 7 jours aux Pays Baltes, nous tenons à vous adresser toutes nos félicitations pour l'organisation de ce voyage: -le programme personnalisé que vous avez établi correspondait tout à fait à nos demandes, -toutes les prestations se sont toujours déroulées comme prévu, à l'heure et sans incident, -la qualité et le service des hôtels correspondaient bien à ce que nous recherchions -les guides pour la visite des villes étaient intéressantes et de bon niveau -la taille du véhicule de location était bien adaptée à nos besoins. Et de plus, peut être y êtes vous pour quelque chose(!?), nous avons eu beau temps. Nous garderons un très bon souvenir de ce voyage et nous recommanderons votre agence à nos amis. Cordialement. Bernard

Autotour Pays Baltes 7j en julliet

2015. 07. 31.
Tout s'est bien passé. Un seul problème : l'hôtel Konventa Seta possède un bâtiment principal et plusieurs annexes. La chambre réservée était dans une annexe : au 2ème étage sans ascenseur, des lits en mauvais état et surtout une réelle puanteur probablement due à l'humidité ou à l'absence d'entretien. En l'absence d'une autre chambre triple disponible, j'ai du payer un extra de 15€ par nuit pour une suite junior. Salutations cordiales, Claude

autotour juin-julliet 2015

2015. 07. 15.
Bonjour Linas, Bon retour à la maison.... après la perte du bagage de Monsieur à l'arrivée à Marseille. Il nous a fallu attendre 4h à Marseille pour attendre le prochain vol venant de Paris !!! mais tout est rentré dans l'ordre et on a pu récupérer la valise. On tenait à vous remercier pour ce programme superbe: vous nous avez fait vivre des moments inoubliables. Tout s'est bien déroulé, timing bien tenu et sites magnifiques visités. Comme on aime bien découvrir, on a aussi visité des villages où l'on s'est régalé (notamment vers Tallynn, dans le parc de Lahemaa, à Kasmu, petite cité balnéaire très sympathique). On a eu la chance de tomber sur un mariage et un baptême à la colline des Croix.... très pittoresque comme lieu. Les hôtels étaient très bien. Voilà, on tenait donc à vous dire BRAVO pour votre organisation et votre gentil accueil. Nous recommandons déjà votre site à des connaissances. Bien cordialement et peut-être au plaisir de se revoir. Si vous venez en France, vous serez toujours le bienvenu chez nous, n'hésitez pas. Brigitte et Claude

autotour juin-julliet 2015

2015. 07. 08.
nous sommes satisfaites du circuit qui s'est bien passé et nous avons bénéficié d'une super météo!!merci pour vos interventions pour certaines chambres d'hotel.nous avons été décues à deux reprises mais je crois que la qualification 4 étoiles est un peu différente dans les pays baltes!!pour votre information entre riga et tallinn sur l'autoroute de trés nombreux travaux qui nous ont beaucoup retardé, heureusement que nous avions le G.P.S, cela nous a beaucoup aidé. trés amicalement, Edith

Riga-Vilnius en juin 2015

2015. 07. 03.
Un peu tardivement, je tiens à vous remercier pour votre prestation impeccable. Tout s'est bien passé. Bravo! Merci encore. Jacques

aout 2014, autotour pays baltes 9 jours

2014. 08. 25.
Bonjour, C'est aimable à vous de prendre de nos nouvelles. Nous avons été très bien accueillis. Oui le circuit s'est bien déroulé sans soucis. Notre GPS a facilité nos déplacements. Les hôtels des capitales sont bien choisis car nous avons pu nous déplacer à pied. C'est très important. Par contre les sites à visiter ne sont pas toujours bien indiqués sur la route, absence de panneaux et c'est dommage de ne pas les mettre en valeur. (Courlande ou parc de Gauja). c'est la raison pour laquelle je vous suggère de détailler sur votre programme ces 2 journées en indiquant des lieux précis pour s'arrêter et même proposer un circuit pédestre (Gauja). Merci à vous aussi pour vos informatiions lors de nos échanges par mail. Cordialement, Catherine, Lyon

aout 2014, autotour sur mesure: Vilnius-Druskininkai-Kaunas-Nida-Riga-Hiiumaa-Tallinn-Helsinki

2014. 08. 07.
Bonsoir, Désolée de ne pas avoir donné des nouvelles avant. Tout se passe très bien pour nous. Le mariage de nos amis était super, mais il a fait vraiment très très chaud.Nous partons demain pour riga, comme prévu. J'ai regardé ce soir les remplissages des ferry pour hiiuma, et nous allons tenter sans réserver à l'avance. Les hôtels jusqu'ici étaient tous très bien. La seule remarque pour la guest house vasara est qu'il est très difficile de garer la voiture à proximité. Bonne fin de semaine. Fanny, Montreal

juin 2014, autotour pays baltes 10 jours

2014. 06. 11.
Bonjour, nous sommes bien rentrés et très contents de notre séjour dans les pays baltes. les capitales sont superbes, vraiment intéressantes et quelques sites méritent vraiment le détour (en particulier Trakai, Rundale, Saaremaa). L'hébergement était dans l'ensemble tout à fait correct, chambres bien entretenues, confortables, très au calme, avec des breakfasts copieux et en proximité des centres historiques.Quelques réserves: rythme très très soutenu (trop?) sur 10j/9n, nous étions "sur les genoux" certains jours. On a perdu du temps à chercher par exemple l'accès au parc à Palanga (il aurait fallu une adresse précise pour le GPS), la colline des croix est, à mon avis sans intèrêt, par contre Rundale vaut la peine (donc J5, trop chargé). J7, Egalement perte de temps pour trouver le parc de Gauja à Sigulda, problème d'adresse pour le GPS, perte de temps dans la traversée en téléphérique (attente et groupes scolaires), Krimulda présente peu d'intèrêt, Turaida vaut la peine, éventuellement la grotte de Gutman ==> donc limiter les sites à voir, arrivée tardive à Saaremaa (20h15). Eviter, si possible le séjour à Tallinn un dimanche, invasion des touristes croisièristess. Au final séjour très plaisant, mais mieux "border" le circuit pour éviter des pertes de temps et de la fatigue. Deux points: on a payé 60 euros de parkings (2x30€) aux hôtels à Riga et Tallinn, ça aurait été bien de l'inclure dans le prix total des prestations, puisque la voiture et les hôtels sont inclus. Je vous ai mis en copie du mail de Budget, je ne comprends pas pourquoi l'assurance tous risques ne m'a pas été proposée! Généralement je la prends.D'autant qu'il y a beaucoup de travaux de pose de gravillons en Estonie, ce qui est vraisemblablement la cause des petites éraflures sur le bas de caisse à l'arrière de la Clio. Bonne journée, bien à vous. Hervé, Sartrouville

avril 2014, autotour pays baltes 12 jours

2014. 04. 29.
Nous sommesrentrés en France après une dizaine de jours dans les pays baltes. Je voulais vousremercier vous et l’agence de voyage pour la bonne organisationdu voyage. Tout s’est bienpassé. Les visites guidées étaient très intéressantes, les hôtels propres avecde bons petits déjeuners. Les lieux d’ excursions étaient généralementpertinents et les programmes équilibrés. Nous avons eu la chance d’avoir dubeau temps. Le programme était bien équilibré, avec les villes, lesparcs, les châteaux, les rencontres folkloriques, la plage et les visitesguidées. Il y a toujoursquelques détails qui peuvent être perfectionnés, mais globalement nous sommesrentrés enchanté de notre voyage. Nous avons beaucoup appris et avons passé unbon moment. Nous vousadressons nos remerciements pour votre accueil à l’aéroport et vos cartes etexplications précieuses lors de notre arrivée à Vilnius. Nous remercions aussiSkaidra lors de la visite de Vilnius. Aussi nous avons apprécié Anita à Riga et ma femme et mes enfant ont beaucoup aimé la visite de Tallinn avec Véronika. Nous vous souhaitons une bonne saison touristique 2014 et nous recommanderons votre agence et la visite des pays baltes. Avec nos meilleures salutations Guy et la famille, Paris

aout 2013, autotour pays baltes 11 jours

2013. 08. 22.
Nous sommes bien rentrés.Le voyage était très bien organisé.Tout s'est très bien passé comme prévu: les hôtels conformes à nos attentes (avec de bons petits déjeuners), les transports (voiture, ferry) partis et arrivés à l'heure et surtout le temps était au rendez-vous.Nous avons eu quelques gouttes de pluie à Stockholm mais sinon entre 25 et 28° tous les jours.Nous avons suivi vos indications :-visite de Trakai; -bain dans la mer baltique; -Visite du chateau de Rundale; -Visite d'un parc national en allant vers Tallinn (téléphérique pour passer la vallée)-et bien sur Vilnius, Riga, Tallinn, Helsinki et Stockholm.Il nous manquait quelques jours pour aller à Saint-Petersbourg en ferry; nous y retournerons surement pour un week-end prolongé et aussi pour l'isthme de Courlande. Mon mari regrette de ne pas y avoir été.Ce que nous avons le moins aimé c'est la ville d'Helsinki ! Mais heureusement, nous avons pris un bateau pour faire une propromenade dans l'archipel d'îles très agréable. J'espère que vous avez récupéré la voiture à l'Hotel Santa Barbara à Tallinn ? Le ferry d'Helisnki à Stockholm était très impressionnant. Nous n'avions jamais pris un bateau aussi grand. La traversée a été très agréable et l'arrivée à Stockholm grandiose. Nous avons pris des vélos pour Stockholm et c'était très bien. Pour rejoindre l'aéroport, nous avons pris nos billets de bus la veille, sans problème. On a eu une petite arnaque dans Tallinn. On a voulu prendre le taxi d'une porte (la grosse Margaret) à notre hôtel : le taxi nous a pris plus 18 € ! pour quelques minutes de taxi. Le lendemain pour aller au port d'embarquement avec nos valises de l'hotel, nous avons payé moins de 7€ !!!! Je pense que le sens de notre tour était très bien. Nous sommes allés des petites villes vers les grandes villes. Pour l'organisation d'un voyage pour un groupe, il faut pas mal de temps. Je le proposerai surement. Mais les destinations de voyages pour 2014 ont déjà été arrêtées : Mexique, Croatie et Sardaigne. Il faut attendre l'année prochaine pour 2015. Voila. Merci pour vos conseils. Si j'ai des amis qui veulent aller visiter ces pays, je ne manquerai pas de leur donner vos coordonnées. Bien cordialement Michele, Paris

Peter Tikuisis

2019. 12. 27.
I'm interested in the Self-Drive Baltic Tour 13d/12n for myself and wife (late 60s age) in early June 2020. Please advise of costs. **ANSWER** Dear Peter, we will keep the same rates as in 2019 like here Please email us at to proceed smoothly


2019. 08. 23.
Hi, I was wondering if your self drive Baltic tours can be run in reverse. I am in the early stages of organizing such a trip for 2020 but will be entering through Tallinn rather than Vilnius. I notice the itinerary I was looking at went the other way, from Vilnius to Tallinn. Would doing the itinerary in reverse by picking up the car in Tallinn and dropping off in Vilnius alter costs etc. Time of travel would be for about 8-9 days sometime in June 2020. *** ANSWER *** Dear Graham, Yes it is possible and the price will remain the same. Please come back to us via Regards Graham.

Lyn York

2019. 07. 02.
Hi, thank you for checking our travel. Everything is going well! We are thoroughly enjoying ourselves and no issues with bookings, car, itinerary.

Lee Dalgleish

2018. 11. 30.
I have sent 3 emails to Egidijus Gedgaudas using with no reply. Can you please tell me why that is? Thank you. ANSWER: Dear Lee, we did not receive any emails from you. Did you receive mine? Let's fix this on Messenger, maybe there's some issue with emails. Thank you, Egidijus


2017. 09. 17.
We booked 10 day/9 night Baltic self drive tour from 123, everything was smooth and better than we expected, the hotel choices with good location . My husband and I really appreciated 123Baltic have arranged and organized our trip , we have good communication by e-mail and always rely on our questions being answered. Best Price best arrangement and best self drive tour in


2017. 09. 01.
Hello, I am looking at your 8day 7night self driving looks great! How much for two people in a mid size car? Do you make the hotel reservations etc? Is the parking free? Looking at Sept 20 to 28 from Vilnius to Tallin. Do I need an international drivers card or will passport and drivers license be ok? Do you have GPS in the car? Is there a big difference between 3 star and 4 star hotels? Thanks Bill and Missy / / / ANSWER: Dear Bill, please drop us an email to so we could proceed communication easier. International driver's licence is not the must, just have one in English. GPS and car parking is included in our rates.

Doug Holmes

2017. 08. 13.
Hello, 1. Do your self driving tours include car insurance? What does it cover? 2. I noticed that several of your hotel links were no longer valid. Are there now different hotels? 3. Do you have specific departure days? 4. If the car breaks down, what is your response? 5. In general, how old are the cars and how many km do they have? Thanks Doug ***ANSWER*** Dear Doug, please kindly provide your email address here or drop us an email to so we could communicate further on. Thank you! ***


2016. 09. 15.
Thank you for helping us arrange a very enjoyable trip. We're now home in HK and I've just made some tea with the homegrown herbs you gave us - many thanks - hope it helps with jetlag! Regards, Kim


2016. 09. 07.
We had a wonderful time in Lithuania, and survived our road trip to Latvia. :) The GPS unfortunately kept taking us on unpaved road so the car is very dirty. Hopefully we will find a car wash. Also, when we were leaving Lithuania we put in the hotel address in Latvia, which unfortunately did not put us near the Hill of Crosses. It may be worth noting that in the itinerary for your future customers. One last thing, the satellite to the monastery is not correct...while the location it takes you is not far away, we had to do some driving around and use our phones to find the place. These are only minor things. Otherwise, everything is perfect. The hotels are beautiful. I especially love the fact that we are staying a former convent. How cool is that! Having reserved parking in advance has been very useful. Your suggestions for places to see along the way has been great, too. We went to the palace in Latvia yesterday. Just wow!; Anyway, all in all everything is great, and we are having a lovely time. We are off to Estonia tomorrow. :)


2016. 08. 06.
I think the Baltic tour was pretty much what we expected. We liked Lithuania the best, loved the wood sculpture park of Antanas Cesnulis outside of Druskininkai and the Hill of Witches on the Curonian Spit. And we really enjoyed visiting the Kernave archaeological site on one of their special festival days ("Days of Live Archaeology"). We liked the location of all our hotels, but the hotel rooms in Vilnius and Riga were a little less quality than expected; all the other hotels were fine, with L'Ermitage in Tallinn and the Best Baltic in Druskininkai being the best. The bed-and-breakfast on Saaremaa Island was okay -- it had the tiniest bathroom we have ever experienced, although the huge family-size room we had made up for it. I think the only thing we would have liked to have in addition to everything provided is a paper road map of the three countries. Sometimes the GPS would route us on an unexpected road and we could not download a digital map while on the road. The car was excellent -- no problems. One comment about the routing is that a couple of the driving days were long. In particular, the driving distances from Klaipeda to Riga, and from Riga to Saaremaa, were well over 300 km. We did do the side trips to the Hill of Crosses, Rundale, and Turaida in Gauja Park, but touring those sites precluded our stopping in Palanga and in Parnu. Thanks for your help in putting together the trip. We would certainly recommend you to anyone interested in touring the Baltic states! --Marie and John


2016. 07. 17.
Do you have automatic gear station wagon? We are worried about our luggage. ANSWER: Dear Chancharas. yes, there's one available, so much depend on your dates. Please proceed via Best regards!


2016. 06. 30.
All done. I'm at the airport now. It looks a bit like a train station from the outside. Haha. Thanks for organising everything. I had a really fantastic trip. I really loved the Baltics more than I thought I was going to. Is your company on TripAdvisor so I can leave a review? Thanks Andrew


2016. 06. 20.
Hello, I see all the 3-country self-drive tours start from Vilnius and end at Tallinn. Do you offer Tallinn to Vilnius itineraries? Our flight departs from Vilnius. Thank you. *-*-* ANSWER *- *-* Dear Kim, yes, it is not a problem to do any itinerary in reverse. Please kindly proceed by emailing to or by submitting a form under any of the itineraries. Kind regards, Egidijus


2016. 06. 15.
It was wonderful! Everything was smooth and the hotel choices and activities were perfect. You should be very proud of yourself and your company. I’m telling all my cool friends about it! Teresa


2016. 06. 13.
Thanks, we are all safely back in Singapore. As the other ladies are tied up with works, i'm happy to give you some positive feedback from my experience with 123Baltic. Firstly, i'll like to thank our organiser for sourcing your professional service! Im overall very happy and satisfied with 123 Baltic. And not forgetting to highlight the 3 ladies local guides assigned to us. The conducted local tours were interesting, informative and lively! Thanks and Best Regards, Jeannie


2016. 06. 08.
Dear Egidijus, My feedback is almost completely positive. We loved the trip to Baltics, including all the hotels you picked (even the Bergs that you didn't pick). We ate in some excellent restaurants although most of the restaurants were ones either I picked or were suggested by people we met along the way. I think I should have had one more day in Vilnius and one less in either Helsinki or Tallinn, but we enjoyed every day regardless where we were. I think I would have left out the university city (can't remember it's name right now), as it wasn't different enough to be worth the side trip. Loved Hill of Crosses ( and I'm Jewish!), thought the castle at Rundale was great, and the little island near Kaunas was wonderful. Particularly enjoyed the architecture in Riga of Art Nouveau style-we spent 3 hours one day just looking at 3 streets of buildings! The driving was easy as the roads are excellent. The gps worked so well that I never had to use my 6 foot long map! We enjoyed greatly the two state parks we visited also as we did lovely extended walks in both. In Gauja we mistakenly took a set of stairs up to the tram at the top of a hill. It was 1,000 steps high my wife counted them. The walk along the water in the north at the park was terrific also. We were both sorry to leave the Baltics at the end. Thanks for your help. It was much appreciated. Best regards, Jerome and Arlene


2016. 06. 07.
Let me begin with a big thank you. I have planned several trips throughout western Europe and even through Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, and Montenegro on my own and I have never been able to plan one as well as you planned this one for us. This was great. The woman met us in the terminal upon arrival with an excellent car and handled all of the formalities relaying to the car perfectly. The car was very new and in excellent condition. The GPS turned out to be fine even though it's English was missing. We enjoyed each of the major cities, Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn very much. Each city had a charm of its own and we felt that we had the right amount of time in each place. The time allocated to the Spa town of Druskininkai was perfect and the town itself was a delight. We think that it was the correct decision to stay two nights in Klaipeda and take a day trip through the Coronia Spit. We enjoyed the day there and were happy to come back to the hotel in Klaipeda. By the way, we loved the Witches Hill. The Hill of Crosses was a real highlight of the trip for us and we were lucky enough to run into some type of teenager celebration where hundreds of teenagers were gathering at the Hill of crosses. It was great to see all of those your people honoring their traditions. If I have one suggestion, I think that the driving from Riga to Turaida then to Parnu then to Saaremaa was a little too long of a day. I think that we could have stopped for the day in Parnu and then gone on to Saaremaa. We loved Saaremaa and we probably should have extended the trip by one day to get a night in Parnu. Another highlight for us was our day trip to Helsinki. That was fantastic and well worth it we only had a few hours there but we really enjoyed seeing Helsinki. It was not at all what we expected and it was great. Again, The three cities: Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn we all wonderful in their own way, We are very happy to have had your guidance in seeing them. All of the hotels were very nice. There were differences but that is to be expected. All of the people at the hotels we nice and welcoming and we ran into very few problem with hotel staff or the rooms. The included breakfasts and parking were great. For us the introduction to Baltic cuisine was really the hardest part. We just did not find it to our liking. We ate in several different traditional restaurants but never really go comfortable with the heavy foods and the use of game meat. It is just something we were not used to. But we were always able to find things to eat that were to our liking. Latvia seemed to have the fewest international food options but Riga was OK in that regard. If you have any American clients in the future who would like to discuss your trips with us, please feel free to have them contact us. we would be please to give them recommendations for your services and for their own trips. If we can be of any service to you in the future, please let us know


2016. 06. 01.
Dear Mr Gedgaudas, we are back and like to thank you for the help preparing our trip. Impressions from culture, history, scenery and people were just immense and the Baltic was and will continue to be recommended to wider family and friends. Your suggested itinerary was great and hotels were OK. It was excellent that all their locations allowed us to explore the cities on foot, without any need to use the car. The Memel Hotel was advised that our bathroom had a very bad drainage smell. We wouldn't recommend it for this reason. For future trips we suggest to advise travelers of opening hours for the main attractions. For instance we arrived at castles such as Cesis and Kuressaare on their dates. However the outside was still impressive. Rundale palace is certainly worthwhile the detour. The car hire needs a few improvements: 1. There were too many damage spots at the handover which made us uneasy as we might have missed a spot. 2. The navigation system could not be easily attached in a field of vision, it needed extensive adjustment to set language, announcement volume, and it rebooted at times. In the end the co driver had to keep it on the knees. 3. The car had no spare tyre and the advice was that the hire company is only a phone call away. 4. Such a phone call proved difficult when we wanted to arrange early return in Tallinn. There was no English or German speaking person available to take our call. 5. The car hire company made no use of the early return option in Tallinn thus foregoing efficiencies and cost reduction. In summary it was a delightful experience and we could have spent more time. Kind Regards. Waltraut and Dieter


2016. 02. 29.
The tour was everything we expected and more. The car was great, new and easy to drive. The GPS and maps were extremely helpful. The accommodation was above our expectations and we really enjoyed the extra touches, such as the spas and saunas in Saaremaa and Riga. Each location and site we visited was fantastic, and feel the time we spent there was adequate. We really appreciated your personal communication with us as well. We felt that we could always rely on our questions being answered, and appreciated you checking in with us! We will definitely be recommending the tour and your company to our friends and family if they visit the Baltics! Kind regards, Ainslie Thank you again for all your help, and for making our tour through the Baltics a fantastic one we will never forget!

Robert White

2016. 02. 28.
If three people take the six night self drive tour in an intermediate size car in 4 start hotels, do 3 people share 1 room or do we take 2 rooms? Does this affect price? -*-*-*- ANSWER: Dear Robert, it is you who choose the rooming and yes it will affect the price, please write to for further communication, because we do not get your contact when you post here.

Ainslie, February

2016. 02. 12.
Hi, the tour was fantastic! We loved all the accommodation, destinations and the car. Driving through the Baltic States was very easy. Thank you very much for organising everything for us. We will definitely be recommending your company to our friends and family. Thank you again! Kind regards, Ainslie

Aiden, October

2015. 10. 15.
I have just returned from a self drive Baltic tour arranged by and I can honestly say that "it does what it says on the tin". Everything was as I had understood, perhaps even better as the recommended destinations were better than we had expected. Nothing was too much trouble for 123. They responded in a timely fashion at all times. And finally, yes I would recommend their services. Dated 15th October 2015


2015. 08. 09.
Baltics is like a precious gem. i like the people, fresh air and nature of the Baltics. Keep well. Best, Alice

Self guided driving tour Baltics, Helsinki, Stockholm in July

2015. 08. 05.
the Baltic tour was wonderful. Our family had great time. We really appreciated that you solved the ferry issue smoothly. Particularly we loved all the tour guiders. The hotels are excellent and in good location except Imperial in Tallinn. It falls short as a 4 star hotel. The staff are not very friendly like the other ones. But all and all it was a great trip. You did wonderful job planning the trip for us. I will definitely recommend you to my friends. Best, Jean

Self drive tour, 2 weeks in July

2015. 07. 30.
Thank you for your organization of a great holiday. We will certainly recommend you to our friends. Your itinerary has made our trip hassle free. We have loved your beautiful Baltic countries. Kind regards Lyn and Alan

Self driving tour Baltic Countries, 12 days in June

2015. 07. 27.
I would like to express my utmost satisfaction about 123Baltic.Travel, Vilnius, Lithuania at the planning, preparation and implementation of a 12 days driving tour through the Baltic countries in June 2015. The hotels have been well selected, the organisation was flawless; we have received plans and city maps with destinations clearly marked or with the GPS coordinates mentioned, as well as excellent recommendations for sightseeing and food. The provided car with GPS was excellent and its return at the end of the trip well organised. The three guides for the city walking tours were all very pleasant and knowledgeable. In conclusion, I strongly recommend 123Baltic.Travel as a supplier of travel services. Alain

on the tour

2015. 07. 20.
We are having so much fun! We are in Saaremaa and will leave for Tallinn tomorrow. It is a paradise here! We have to come back and stay longer next time. So far we have travelled different cities in Baltic States, Lithuania is our favorite country. The scenic views are magnificent, and the people are so friendly. We are so glad we had chances exploring different cities. I can't thank you enough for arranging all the hotels. They are all in prime locations. Except For only one or two of them we had experienced some hiccups, we are very happy with all of them. As we are heading to our final stop, Tallinn, tomorrow, I'm sure we will be happy with St. Barbara Hotel as well. Jane

Self guided driving tour of the baltics for 2 weeks in July 2015

2015. 07. 13.
Hello! ... we were really busy with the sightseeing, which was great, better than expected, that is, it exceeded our expectations. The weather was magnificent up to the last Monday, when it got a turn for the worse, with the storm that came from the west and that lingered throughout the remaining of the week. But we knew the weather is nothing that one can control and we also knew that the weather can be very unpredictable and make big sudden turns in that region. So, although a bit disappointing, we cannot say it was completely unexpected. Still, we manage to do pretty much all the sightseeing we wanted and adapted it to the prevalent weather conditions at the time. We had no problems with the bookings and finding the hotels and the hotels were, in general within our expectations as well. There were only some minor issues about some of them. I already have mentioned the light issue we had at the first hotel in Vilnius and how it was resolved when we asked them. We kept having some light issues throughout the trip, although not as bad as in the first hotel, so we didn't request any more room changes. Only at the Arensburg hotel, in KURESSAARE, this was again a bit worse than in the other hotels but we managed. We were happy with the hotels service, in general, as well. The locations were wonderful. The architecture and the decor and design were also, in general, of our liking, with probably the exception of the Barons hotel in Tallin. The architecture and location were good. The decor, especially in the room we got, was in need of a facelift. The furniture was a bit under the stress of the time and it would benefit from some repair and/or replacement. We had a more favorable impression of this hotel from the online documentation than from the reality of it. The other, kind of unpleasant, remark was the fact, strange to us, that the Vihula Manor would charge 8 euros, per day per person, for the use of the pool. They would also charge for any use of any other facility they had. It was the first time we were in an hotel in which the use of the pool was not included in the price of the room!! On a funny side, I think they should charge children more than adults (which is the opposite of what they do) because children are much more disruptive of the calm of the place than adults! However, we understand the tradition of charging children less! : ) Other than that, the Vihula Manor was very pleasant, as a place to relax. We did the two hiking tours, the bigger on the day of arrival, the smaller the following morning, managing to escape the showers. I drove to the coast and the beach, not very nice for beach, has a beautiful scenery. Black rocks and contrasting swans on the water... really beautiful. We also don't like that much the traditional bedding styles in this region of the world - the individual edredons, especially at this time of the year, when it becomes too hot. We prefer sheets. And the pillows were also thinner than what we usually like but we also understand this is the typical style in this area of the world and so... there is nothing we can do! Annas Hotel in Cesis was very pretty. The access was surprisingly unpleasant - 10 km of unpaved road to get in (specially with copious rain) and even more to get out to the south, although with drier pavement. We also enjoyed the pool, and jacuzzi and even the sauna and turkish bath (we tried it here for the first time because it was the hotel with easier access to it, less complicated). However, the pavement that the architect chose for the pool was very pretty but very slippery when wet. They have warnings all over the place, it is definitively not a good functional choice for the pool area. Esthetics took precedence. The restaurant seafood, was average, though. The products were good but the fish had to be sent back for a bit more cooking. It got better but I had better earlier experiences with that type of fish. As it follows, let's now talk about restaurants. We found wonderful food everywhere! However it was always difficult to choose a restaurant. There are so many attractive proposals everywhere... We particularly liked the restaurant in the Arensburg hotel and the two restaurants we tried in Klaipeda - Meridiano, in the tall ship of the same name (wonderful seafood) and Momo grill. We also liked the restaurant of the Nieburg hotel and another restaurant in Riga - Moos, I think, was its name. In Tallin we had a wonderful lunch at Pegasus and a wonderful diner at Mekk, the restaurant of the Savoy boutique hotel. We also had a very nice diner at the Gastropub of Tallin. We also liked the food experience in the Tavern of the Vihula Manor - apparently very traditional Estonian food! Finally we also appreciated the restaurant of the hotel in Kaunas (hotel Daugirdas). Very good and well done food. We found the experience in Kybynlar, in Trakai, below our expectations, after reading the reviews. The service was also a bit amateurish. After we ordered our food, we realized that they were planning to bring the appetizers and entrees all at the same time, after waiting quite a bit. We also had the opportunity, while waiting, to tour the property, during which we found that there was a nicer esplanade, closer to the lake, with places available. We asked if we could change and it was refused! Not pleasant! The food was not particularly well done. It tasted a bit too... artificial, quick and fast, for tourists, not the homy, family style, we were expecting from the reviews. Unfortunately the restaurant you mentioned in Muhu island was a bit far from the hotel and not easy to go, especially with a rainy weather. So, although we think it may have been a wonderful experience, we could not try it. In Nida we forgot you had given us a recommendation and tried something we don't even recall the name. The place was nice but the food we tried was not particularly charming! The restaurant of hotel Mabre in Vilnius was reasonable but I was a bit disappointed with the steak I ordered. I had asked for very rare / blue / inside cold venison steak. My wife had ordered medium rare. I got mine a bit more done than my wife's! I didn't have the gut to tell them, though. They were so nice...! Sightseeing and museums were wonderful. We enjoyed learning the history of the countries we visited. Very similar but very dramatic. The history museums were, in general, good at explaining it. We missed the opportunity of knowing a bit more about the art scene (past and present) of each country, with the exception of the Estonian art - due to the inclement weather we had a quick tour of the Kumu art museum. A wonderful museum indeed. But we skipped the art galleries in the other capitals in exchange of touring the places and churches. We loved the Art Nouveau of Riga and the Art Nouveau museum! We loved the medieval feeling of Tallin and the barroc and neo classic style of Vilnius. The 3 cities are indeed different but all similar in the way they protect their old town centers. The smaller towns were also very pleasant - Klaipeda, Kaunas, Kuressaare, Liepaja, Cesis. We skipped Palanga and Parnu. We loved Trakai (where we did the 40 minutes sailing tour, although the wind was not very cooperative at the time, almost none), and Kernave. We liked your proposed scenic drive from Kaunas to Klaipeda. Beautiful drive along the river. In general, the scenery throughout the trip was pretty: the forests alternating with huge extensions of cultivated fields and storks everywhere! Beautiful nature colors! It just was a pity that there were not many hills. Hills, raising your viewpoint, make it easier to appreciate the views. But the 3 countries are indeed very flat, which makes it more difficult to get nice shots of the beautiful countryside. We should have tried the balloon trips as replacement, but we didn't have that much time. We got up in some of the high points in the cities to see it from high points. And there are plenty of such viewpoints in almost every town, natural or artificial. So we took advantage of some of those points. The other sort of negative note, for our side, positive on yours, although it is nothing we cannot do about, is the huge amount of tourists, like us, everywhere, specially the capitals, probably with the exception of the history museums! That is a good sign for your business, though. Also we found it a bit too much, the number of esplanades. They are pleasant to use but they alter the beauty of the places. Again, those are the good and bad signs of the same coin. The roads, surprisingly, were relatively good. There were almost no highways but the small population density does not justify it. So it is ok. We just had the bad experience of getting too much road work in Latvia, with lots of one way passages controlled by light signs. It was not that disruptive because we didn't have a very tight schedule. But, again, those are needed to make it better in the future and the summer is the time to do it... so... what can we do? On the positive side, we noticed the remarkably smaller number of, and much less obtrusive, publicity signs (outdoors, billboards, business/store announcement signs), in comparison with Poland. Much less visual pollution than in Poland, probably in part related to the much smaller population density, but also, I would dare to say, in part with better regulation and/or better taste of the people in those 3 countries in comparison with Poland! I don't know. In summary, the final balance was very positive. We loved the experience, even if a bit tiring. But, if we want to see as much as we can in two weeks... that's the price we have to pay! Again, thank you very much for your help and support in the design of this tour, it turned out very nice. Please feel free to use and share any of the information I gave above, with anyone you want. Jose

Alain, June 2015, Self-driving Baltic tour 12 days

2015. 06. 30.
Many thanks for the perfect organisation. When back home, I will write a recommendation letter, but here are some fresh impressions: Guides were excellent. Trip was well prepared, with clearly marked maps, car with GPS was excellent, and drop off efficient (people arrived at 4 pm sharp). Hotels were of variable quality, Vilnius having the best one (Mabre). Meriton Old Town was ok, but breakfast was so so; the Old Mill (in Klaipeda)and Konvent Seta (in Riga) had no character at all, just a nice fassade and a good location. B&B in Saaremaa (Vastriku) was excellent. Nida was a little bit disappointing, not much to see. We thoroughly enjoyed the trip, the food in general, the local beers and liquors, but one remark: Lithuania has a local beer with cherries, analog in theory to the Belgian Kriek, but the student will need lot of time to equal the master! Best regards from both of us, Alain and Sirikul

Thomas, early June 2015, Self-driving Baltic tour 11 days

2015. 06. 27.
We have now returned after our journey and can report that the tour you provided went very well. It by and large met and exceeded our expectations. All went well with the car, the routing you proposed made good sense, and the accommodations were generally quite satisfactory. We are glad that we made the arrangements through you. There were a few points that could be improved upon: 1. The hotel in Vilnius just barely makes it to a three-star level (City Gate). Perhaps you could do better? In our room on the 2nd floor the access to the window was blocked and there was nothing to darken the room at night. 2. We were initially taken aback by the rustic nature of the accommodation in Saaremaa (this was Jurna farmstead). Once we got used to it, we found it delightful and were glad we were there. I'm not sure, however, that all visitors would feel the same. It would be a good idea to let people know just what the nature of the accommodation is. 3. We nearly had two disasters, for in both Riga and Saaremaa at least one of the rooms was not accessible for an elderly person (as we had requested.) In Riga the hotel had an elevator, but it was not in the same building as the 3rd floor room. In Saaremaa, one of he rooms required going up a difficult external stairway. We were able to straighten things out in both cases. When booking hotels for persons with disabilities, it is important that it is clearly communicated to the hotel what is required. In Saaremaa the host was able to accommodate us since he had a free room but it was a near thing. Things did ultimately work out very well however and we thank you for arranging a fine trip.

Alicia, Early May 2015, Self-driving Baltic tour 7 days

2015. 05. 12.
We had a very lovely holiday. The rental car agent was waiting for us at the Vilnius airport. We were pleasantly surprised to receive a nice automatic car to drive. We enjoyed Vilnius very much and ate at the seafood restaurant that you recommended...delicious (it was Sturmu Svyturys in Vilnius)! We had a very long & informative walking tour w/ Benjamin. (He kept getting important calls from work and made it up to us by going longer. We liked him very much. He was enthusiastic and funny.) We arrived at Riga during a 4 day holiday weekend, and the city was crowded with many party people. (also a Harley Davidson motorcycle rally) Tallink hotel was fine, but the parking garage was a bit tight...even with our small car. It was a cold, rainy morning for our walking tour, but we enjoyed it anyway. Especially seeing the Art Nouveau neighborhood. Our guide (I don't remember her name.) was quite good too. All 3 guides were very good.) Unfortunately, we arrived in Tartu at dinnertime on a Sunday, and the town was rather sleepy and quiet. Had a tasty dinner and walked around a bit after before heading to Tallinn. L'Ermitage was okay. The smallest of all the hotel rooms. There was some confusion when we arrived about parking charges. They wanted to charge us, and I told them it was included. They also charged 2.50 euros to use a bathrobe during our stay. (Novotel Vlinius wanted to charge 5 euros per day.) I have never encountered such stinginess in any hotel around the world. (and I have been to 56 countries) Breakfasts in Riga and Tallinn were a little disappointing. Not as many selections to choose from. We drove out to the seaside, but both villages (Võsu and Käsmu) were completely closed to tourists. Guess we were a little too early in the season. We ate dinner both nights at Leib Resto. Fantastic food in a charming setting. (I have to admit that I was a little disappointed in the castles at Trakai and Turaida, having just come from St. Petersburg. If we'd known how plain Turaida was, we would've driven straight to Tartu instead.) Car drop-off at the ferry terminal was easy. Boarding the ferry was somewhat chaotic. It was like a big cruise ship without directions where you were allowed to sit. That was unusual. Overall, our trip was nice and enjoyable. You did a great job arranging our itinerary to suit our needs. The champagne and fruit were nice touches too. We would highly recommend your company to our friends and family. Many thanks, Alicia and Brian

Val Ganske

2015. 05. 10.
Hi, my husband and I are interested in a self-drive tour in September of the Baltics for approximately 14 days. However, we would like to see more of the countryside and small, out-of-the-way towns and perhaps not spend as much time in the major cities. Would you have a self-drive tour that accommodates that type of travel? Val **ANSWER**ANSWER**: Dear Val, yes, we can do an itinerary with more of countryside for you. Please send us your email address to

Giovanni, August 2014, Vilnius-Tallinn self driving tour

2014. 10. 20.
We have been intending to write you an email but unfortunately having returned back to work after the summer break has seen us both busy with work and unfortunately we have kept postponing writting you an email. In any event, we would like to personally thank you for planning a lovely trip for us in August. We found everything planned with such precision that there was nothing to do except discover and enjoy the sites and the cities you had plotted on the map for us. Car Rental: The arrangement for car pick up and drop off were both very convenient for us and was a smooth and fast process. Hotels: All hotels were definitely above expectation with the exception of the Hotel in Vilnius (Hotel Conti) and Kuressaare (Hotel Spa Ruutli) - these 2 hotels are strtegically located but require an uplift to their rooms/bathrooms and the breakfast buffet could do with some improvement. The hotels in Riga (Tallink) and Tallin (Nordic Forum) were exceptionally good keeping in mind they are meant to be 4 star - impeccable rooms and good service. All the hotels booked were strategically located enabling us to enjoy the historic centres while discovering the neighbouring areas. Suggested itinerary: As we had no idea what to expect in the Baltic Republic States, using your suggestions we were pleasantly surprised at how much the place has to offer in terms of culture, history and cuisine. It was a thoroughly enjoyable vacation and we were able to experience the many different facets of the Baltic Republic States. We would definitely recomend your company to any friends who would like to discover the Baltic Republic States and we wish you continued success. Best regards, Susan and Giovanni

September 2014, Vilnius-Tallinn self driving tour

2014. 10. 12.
So the trip ...... it was really good, very interesting, sometimes frustrating, good accommodation, good food, nice people, etc.Vilnius - still our favourite city, perhaps a hand escaping from it would have been good as the car and nav system took a little getting used to. Trakai - interesting but too touristy for us around the castle. Klaipeda - very nice and a great day down the Curonian spit, things were closing down in Nida atthe end of the season but we thankfully escaped the crowds. Palanga and Liepaja - seem very interesting and would have liked to spend a day or night in these towns. Latvian National Parks - generally hopeless, poorly defined, no info, no signs, no information, needless to say we wasted a lot of hours just trying to find them let alone actually walking in them, the Latvian govt needs a kick up the ... Roja - small but in a very nice aand interesting area. Riga - a nightmare to drive into, GPS completely out of date, night time and did not see your little track into the old town, very nice and interesting city, loads of foreign tourists, expensive. Cesis - probably my favourite town, great place and a good base for exploring, good food options also. Parnu - interesting, obviously geared heavily for seaside tourism, seemed a bit seedy to us. Saaremaa - excellent, our favourite accommodation, only guests here, lovely people, good birdwatching finally! Tallinn - very picturesque obviously, loads of tourist groups, lacks the authenticity of Vilnius in our opinion, seems like a showpiece say like Trakai Castle on a bigger scale. Overall, you did a great job and we had an excellent holiday. Ollex rental, pick up and drop offs were brilliant. The GPS was the only glitch as it seemed to be out of date on many occasions. Around Klaipeda and Palanga for example, it says to turn left off the freeway, when you actually had to go right and then swing under or over the freeway to be able to go left. From a natural history perspective Estonia had the best system of parks and information, Latvia was frustrating, and we only looked at the Curonian Spit in Lithuania (I suspect there aren't a lot of options however). The irreligious nature of the Estonians makes their churches feel somewhat empty and lifeless. We aren't prudes by any measure but their overt promotion of the sex industry makes you wonder if they have lost their "moral compass". Amber is definitely better in Lithuania - Klaipeda and Palange compare well to Vilnius. Black Balsam is poison. Vana Tallin is very nice. Lithuanian mead is the best. You need some good local cider in all the 3 countries, as you can obviously grow apples. So thank you very much for a great holiday. We hope to return one day, and we already have friends who want to come back with us. Mark, Central Coast


2014. 08. 11.
so far the trip has been planned very well: great accomodations and very useful tips for our visits. Everything went really smoothly. We have just reached the hotel in Riga (which even passes our expectations) and are ready to go out for a first short tour of the old town. Thank you again for your very professional service. Best regards. Giovanni. - * - Note by admin: this was Tallink Riga hotel, Standard double room

June 2014, Self-driving Baltic tour 8 days + Helsinki

2014. 07. 03.
Jenny and I really enjoyed our time in the Baltics; it was a fascinating holiday in some beautiful countries. As we wanted, hiring the car allowed us freedom and we were able to see things and places we wouldn't have otherwise seen. Overall the trip was very positive, so below I provide the major good points of the trip as well as some suggestions for how things could be improved for the future. + Generally, the trip was very well organised. All bookings were made and nothing went wrong with those. The information you provided about addresses for the GPS were good. + Picking up and dropping off the car was very easy. + The suggestions for the stops and sights between the main cities were really worthwhile and we really appreciated those. We really felt that you'd highlighted the best places to go given the short time we had. Rundale palace was a particular highlight. + Even though we had a little car trouble on a national holiday, you helped us out and that was all sorted out very easily and we really appreciated that. - Mostly because of our timing, not your planning, we ended up in Kaunas on a Monday when virtually everything was closed. It was quite difficult to know what to do on that day. - On the final two days in Tallinn, the Palace Hotel charges €25 per day for parking the car (so €50 in total). In hindsight, seeing as we only needed to use the car to drive the short distance to the ferry terminal (or airport for other people), this seemed like a lot of money when it may have been easier just to give the car back to the hire company when we arrived in Tallinn. Once again thanks for all your work to give us a good holiday. Kind Regards, Greg
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